Jumat, Juni 01, 2007
Update OpenOffice.org di zencafe
tahap installasinya :
1.Remove dulu paket Oo.org yg lama yang ada di folder
/var/log/packages , dengan console seperti di bawah ini :
root[donlot]# cd /var/log/packages/
root[packages]# removepkg openoffice-2.1.0-i486-1zc1
tunggu sampai proses selesai.
2.Setelah itu selsei baru install paket Oo.org yg versi barunya
root[donlot]# installpkg openoffice-2.2.0-i586-46.4.tgz
Installing package openoffice-2.2.0-i586-46.4...
openoffice: openoffice (OpenOffice.org Office Suite)
openoffice: OpenOffice.org the product is a multi-platform office productivity
openoffice: suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word
openoffice: processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, and drawing program,
openoffice: with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites.
openoffice: Sophisticated and flexible, OpenOffice.org also works transparently
openoffice: with a variety of file formats, including those of Microsoft Office.
openoffice: Packaged for Zenwalk
Executing install script for openoffice-2.2.0-i586-46.4...
kalau sudah tampilannya seperti di atas, berarti proses installasi sudah berhasil, sekarang tinggal dibuka di -> menu-Office
untuk screenshot bisa di lihat disini :
thanks to : Aa Anjar
Label: How To
posted by Nature 3 at
11:26 AM
btw untuk upgrade yang lebih singkat bisa dengan perintah :
# upgradepkg openoffice-2.2.0-i586-46.4.tgz
jadi gak perlu pake 2 perintah deh ;)
maju terus ghian [^_^]
terima kasih kaptenVu.!!
ghian akan belajar treus
my note: Update OpenOffice.org di zencafe
"belajarlah untuk berani menjadi bodoh & ketahuilah segala kekuranganmu"
- who i'am -
apa kata mereka